The blog for Moving Into Comfort
On the Unconscious
(Composed 9 Oct 2021) On the metaphor of the Unconscious as an iceberg, I notice: The huge mass under-the-surface “holds up”, supports, provides the float, for the small part that rises above the water line. The smallest part is the […]
“Disinhibit Disinhibit Disinhibit” – On Inhibition
(Composed 21 April 2020) Inhibition. It’s our superpower. It comes on with lightning speed. It’s more powerful than a speeding bullet: Contraction. It’s our first reflex. The first and primary action we can perform. Through the action of contraction, we […]
Change from the Bottom Up
(Composed 19 July 2019) What does it mean to change “from the bottom up”? I believe that the way we experience being alive starts at the cellular level and moves up through successive levels of higher organization – cells organized […]